The Next Moneymaker 2.0

$1 Million GTD Promotion
March 11th to June 5th

* The Final Tournament which starts Sunday, June 4th will be in the poker lobby no later than Thursday, June 1st.

The Next Moneymaker GTD: $1,000,000 | Total Entries: 6665 |
Current Prize Pool: $533,200 | Current Overlay: $466,800

In 2003, Chris Moneymaker turned a cheap satellite into a world championship in Las Vegas. That started an online poker revolution.

Fast forward 20 years and Chris is now an ACR Pro, and we’re looking to send one lucky player to Vegas this summer to see if we can repeat history!

When you play:

13 Weekly Events: Every Saturday from March 11th to May 27th + Sunday, May 28th
Final Tournament: Saturday, June 4th to Sunday, June 5th

Every Saturday from March 11th to May 27th, and Sunday May 28th, we will host a $86 buy-in tournament at 1:30pm ET called ‘Leaderboard Tournaments’. The prize pool money generated from these tournaments will be distributed as follows:

50% of the prize pool generated from EACH leaderboard tournament will be paid out to the top 12% of participating players for that day.

50% of the prize pool generated from ALL leaderboard tournaments will go towards the promotion’s Final Tournament prize pool on June 4th-5th.

What you win:

1. During each of the weekly leaderboard tournaments, you compete for half of the prize pool generated, as described above.

2. You will be competing for at least $500,000 in the final tournament with 1st place being AT LEAST $100,000. 1st place will most likely be $150,000+ (more on that later).

3. The final tournament winner will be crowned the Next Moneymaker and will also receive $15,000 towards an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas (this is 100% on us, separate from the prize pool).

How to qualify for the final tournament:

1. Only players who have earned points in one of the leaderboard tournaments are eligible to play the final tournament. Players CANNOT directly buy into the final tournament.

2. Players earn points for participating and performing well in leaderboard tournaments. All points earned throughout the 13 leaderboard tournaments are cumulative.

3. At the end of the 13 tournaments, a player’s total points earned are converted to chips for the final tournament where 1 point = 1 chip.

4. There is no prize for finishing with the most points after the 13-week contest. But the more points you win during the leaderboard tournaments, the more chips you start with in the final tournament, and the better chance you will be crowned the Next Moneymaker!

How you Earn Leaderboard Points:

1. Players earn 2,000 points each time they play a leaderboard tournament. Players do not earn an extra 2,000 points for taking the 1 re-entry allowed.

2. Players earn a bonus of 10,000 points if they play all 13 leaderboard tournaments.

3. The top 24 players in each weekly tournament will receive points based on their overall finish as follows:

1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th - 16th17th- 24th

How the $1,000,000 Prize Pool is Distributed:

The total prize pool of the Final Tournament depends on the total entries made during the 13 leaderboard tournaments.

Example 1 – An Overlay:

In this example, YP will kick in some cash because we fell short of the guarantee.

Let’s say that each of the 13 leaderboard tournaments generated a prize pool of exactly $50,000.  This means that $25,000 was paid out to participating players in each tourney, and $25,000 was sent to the final tournament prize pool.

13 Tournaments x $50,000 = $650,000

$325,000 won in the weekly $86 tourneys.
+  $325,000 towards the Final Tournament prize pool.
+ $350,000 must be added to Final Tournament by YP to reach the guarantee of $1 million.
=  $1,000,000 Promotion total ($675,000 Final Tournament prize pool)

Example 2 – Surpass the GTD:

Let’s say that each of the 13 leaderboard tournaments generated a prize pool of exactly $100,000.  In this case, we exceeded the guarantee of the promotion, and the final tournament will have a prize pool of $650,000.

$650,000 won in the weekly $86 tourneys.
$650,000 towards the Final Tournament prize pool.
$1.3 Million Promotion total ($650,000 Final Tournament prize pool)

Final Tournament Rewards:

$100,000 will be taken out of the final tournament prize pool and given to 1st place.  The remaining prize pool will be paid out to the top 12% of the final tournament field.  In other words, 1st place will receive the normal percentage payout for winning a tournament, plus $100,000, plus the $15,000 sweetener added by YP for a trip to Las Vegas.  Winning has never been so lucrative!

Tips to Remember:

1. You can accumulate a lot of points just by playing! Even if you don’t place in the top 24 in any leaderboard tournament, you can still start the final tournament with a healthy 36,000 chips by playing every week.  Most likely, the biggest starting stacks in the final tournament will come from those who show up every week to play, and not necessarily the most skilled players.

2. Make sure you play at least 1 leaderboard tournament! Playing just one tournament will give you 2,000 points regardless of where you place.  A final tournament chip & a chair is better than nothing!

3. The leaderboard tournaments won’t be shark infested waters – Online poker pros often treat Saturdays as a day off so the leaderboard tournament competitions should feel more like a home game than a stage for the world’s best.

4. Get in on the cheap – We have created a lot of satellites for the Next Moneymaker promo so players of all bankrolls can participate. Qualify for as little as $4.40!

5. Have fun playing and follow your results – Be sure to check out your results and how you’re doing against the competition right here on the Leaderboard Tab of this page.

The Next Moneymaker GTD: $1,000,000 | Total Entries: 6665 | Current Prize Pool: $533,200 | Current Overlay: $466,800

Weekly Leaderboard Competition Schedule

Every Saturday at 1:30pm ET from March 11th to May 27th.

The final (13th) Weekly Leaderboard Competition is Sunday, May 28th at 1:30pm ET.

Note each Weekly Leaderboard Competition costs $86, although players can qualify for less via satellite.  All tournaments allow for one re-entry only.

• Day 1: Sunday, June 4th at 1:30pm ET
• Day 2: Monday, June 5th at 1:30pm ET

Every player who earns points during any of the 13 Weekly Leaderboard Competitions qualifies for points. 1 point earned = 1 chip carried forward to the Final Tournament.

The Moneymaker Story Timeline

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